DemetrisDiamantisSystems & DevOps engineer - Full stack developer - Open source advocate
'lo stranger! My name is Demetris Diamantis, also known as ftso, and this is a place where I put informations regarding my projects and things that I like.
Application A.D.E was created as project of the course
"Development and Management Applications" of the
Department of Informatics of the T.E.I Thessalonikis.
Developers: Me, Matikas Athanasios, Ntakoulas Euaggelos.
The Application can be used from a video club employees
for the administration of employees, customers, films
and rentings of films.
Protectmyfs is a shell script for easy fsprotect configuration from recovery mode (single kernel parameter) of grub 2 menu.
When you enable the file system protection…
filesystems will be protected and no change is ever written to the disk.
All changes will be written to the virtual memory and will be lost after the system reboot.
The benefit is that you can try to do anything that can “destroy” the system without worry!